Showcase member

The Wash House Garden CIC

New GSEN member The Wash House Garden CIC is a popular community garden in Parkhead. The enterprise combines a busy market garden with opportunities for the local area including bee keeping, learning about plants, and community meals. The Wash House Garden delivers veg boxes and ingredients for local food outlets. Find out more about The Wash House Garden here!

Find a Social Enterprise

Find the social enterprises that are working and operating across the Greater Glasgow area. Whether you're looking for services, community hubs, entertainment or gifts, we're sure you'll find what your looking for here


Just Transitions Scotland C.I.C

Just Transitions is a Community Interest Company dedicated to empowering under-represented communiti ...

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JRS Knowhow

JRS Knowhow is a digital consultancy specialising in learning and social justice. We deliver technol ...

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Marketing For Good

Marketing for Good helps social enterprises to reach more people and turn them into customers throug ...

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Impact Arts

Impact Arts are an award winning charity which strives to tackle inequalities in Scotland. They spec ...

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Social enterprise map

GSEN Pocket Guide - coming soon!

Download GSEN's handy pocket guide to social enterprises in Glasgow. Become a member to get listed in the next one.