Showcase member

The Wash House Garden CIC

New GSEN member The Wash House Garden CIC is a popular community garden in Parkhead. The enterprise combines a busy market garden with opportunities for the local area including bee keeping, learning about plants, and community meals. The Wash House Garden delivers veg boxes and ingredients for local food outlets. Find out more about The Wash House Garden here!

Find a Social Enterprise

Find the social enterprises that are working and operating across the Greater Glasgow area. Whether you're looking for services, community hubs, entertainment or gifts, we're sure you'll find what your looking for here


Open Aye c.i.c

Open Aye is a social enterprise which provides visual imaging and participatory projects for the th ...

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BOLD is Scotland’s first social enterprise branding and design and agency. Now in its eighth ...

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Get Rugged

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The mission of GMAC Film is to empower young people, emerging film talent and independent filmmaker ...

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Social Impact Films

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knowledge hunter

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International Network of Street Papers

INSP leads the global street paper movement, supporting and developing a network of more than 90 st ...

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Won Connect CIC

At Won Connect, our dedicated team aims to tackle social isolation and empower older people with in ...

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Softcat PLC

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Passion 4 Social C.I.C.

Passion4Social is a creative agency with a difference! Operating out of the Greater Glasgow area, a ...

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Hedera Felix CIC

Hedera Felix CIC is a non-profit independent publisher of literature and visual art, registered in ...

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Greater Govanhill CIC

Govanhill is one of the most diverse and interesting places to live in Scotland. It has a wealth of ...

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Adam Piggot

Hello, I’m a Glasgow-based brand developer and designer. I work exclusively with common good organ ...

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VOICEOVER - Glasgow Community Project

VoiceOver provides high quality, affordable interpreting and translation services to public, private ...

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Braw Talent CIC

Braw Talent CIC is a Scottish creative agency which uses filmmaking, animation and visual arts to te ...

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media co-op

Established Glasgow-based workers' cooperative of creative and media professionals producing film, a ...

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Social Print and Copy CIC

S was founded to address the mis-selling that is endemic in the printer and copier industries, parti ...

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Eddy Draws

Graphic facilitator/ graphic recorder

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StudioFV is a purpose-driven business (SCIO) and all proceeds go towards our mission: combatting soc ...

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Social enterprise map

GSEN Pocket Guide - coming soon!

Download GSEN's handy pocket guide to social enterprises in Glasgow. Become a member to get listed in the next one.