Jhankar Beats

Jhankar Beats (JB) was originated in 2015 by a group of professional volunteers who shared the commitment and hope to address such under-representation and advance the diverse cultural heritage in the community in Scotland and beyond. In addition, JB are committed to inspiring active citizenship and equal participation of the diverse communities in the arts, music, storytelling, running children and elderly people club and diverse cultural heritage frameworks through the delivery of focused arts and multicultural programmers, educational workshops and events at local and regional levels. Our mostly project involves adult vulnerable people, vulnerable youth and young. Through the catalyst of advancing cultural heritage for the diverse communities, JHANKAR BEATS will promote greater integration for the said communities in Scottish life, equal participation, and enhancement of community spirit. This will be advanced through advancing an inclusive national identity for all as well as inspiring community cohesion while creating pathways to energize citizenship for the diverse communities in Scotland. Through our objectives, we aim at inspiring, promoting and supporting active citizens for the diverse communities in Scotland through initiating, developing and facilitating open platforms for their social and cultural participation and engagement in Scotland while empowering their positive life experiences equally with dignity and respect. JB will continue to enhance and progress talents among the diverse communities while providing focused cultural training for adults, women, youth and children to foster their artistic development, creativity and talents. We embrace community people and facilitate their involvement seeking to empower their resilience and equal participation and practicing of their cultural heritage with pride and dignity.



18 Parkdale Way
G53 7ZJ